Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 2 – May 22
Listening to: Imagine
Thought For the Day: My advice to graduates? Floss! Everyday! You won’t be sorry.

It is done! My baby girl graduated from high school today as a distinguished scholar. Just like out of a Twilight episode, her graduation was in the same building as my high school graduation. While I sat waiting for her name to be called, I tried to remember where I sat during my own graduation and couldn’t. I have no clue! Christian will remember where she sat. I think she had the best seat in the house. She sat on the stage with the other distinguished scholars. Her seat was on the front row on the corner. She was basically face to face with every student as they waited to hear their name to walk the stage to receive their diploma. I watched her talk to almost everyone that passed her and she clapped for most of them too. The joy on her face made all of the stress we’ve been through worthwhile. I won't forget it. Who cares where I sat when I graduated.

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