Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 26 - April 29
Listening to: Let This Groove
Thought for the day: What is good for the goose is good for the Nashville Predators.

This is your typical Canadian goose. He/she is a loner and has been lurking in this one spot along my lunch-time walking route all week. Today I asked him/her if he/she was a Nashville Predator’s fan and he/she didn’t respond……….not even a hiss. No hiss? Geese always hiss. Is it possible that this Canadian goose is a Nashville Predator's fan? Maybe hanging in this one spot is his/her form of a growing a Nashville Predator playoff beard. I suspect, however, this he/she goose is a momma guarding an egg. I just pray no one decides to mow before the playoffs are over!

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