Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 14 – May 10
Listening to: Dreamweaver
Thought for the day: People living deeply have no fear of death. ~Anaiïs Nin, Diary, 1967

Photo: Wes, Christian, and Howard Brummett

Howard Brummett, my children’s grandfather passed away today. His kindness toward me never faltered. I hurt for my children. I hurt for the Brummetts. Howard turned 80-years-old in January. He said that if he’d known he was going to live so long he would have taken better care of himself. That’s the thing. Howard lived and he lived fully. He wasn’t afraid to die.

Typically, my employer provides time off for employees to attend family funerals. I asked if I could have time off to attend Howard's funeral and was told "no" because he is an “ex” family member. Howard was not “ex” to me. I still considered him family and I will be at his funeral regardless of a stupid corporate policy.

I’m so grateful my children grew up with a grandfather like Howard. They will carry him in their hearts forever.

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