Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 6 – May 18
Listening to: Let My Love Open the Door
Thought for the day: We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink. ~ Epicurus

Wednesday Night Dinner Group: MAFIAoZA'S

Eating low-carb in a GOOD Italian restaurant is akin to threading a Tootsie Roll through the eye of a needle. It puts the “cult” in DIFFICULT! I opted for the Bolognese sauce sans pasta with some veggies tossed in the mix (photo left). It was very good. Guess what? I didn’t miss one, single, solitary, slurpy spaghetti noodle!

My friend Jo Ann ordered the meatballs (photo right). She only ate two. She put the uneaten portion in a take-away container. Balls in a box…………should I be jealous?

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