Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 23 – May 2
Listening to: Through the Fire
Thought for the day: “If you don't want your dog to have bad breath, do what I do: Pour a little Lavoris in the toilet.” ~Jay Leno

I put clean water out for Pearl the fab Lab every day. Despite my attempts to prevent my parched pup from partaking in potty punch, she does occasionally go to the toilet for a slurp. What draws her to the toilet? She likes to eat kitty Roca, so it really shouldn’t surprise me. I sometimes wonder if dogs see toilet water as gourmet………like a large Cherry Icee or commode cocktail. Thankfully, Pearl is not a licker. I don’t have to worry about her sliming me after taking a tongue dip in the toilet. Still, it’s a bit on the level of ……………….gross.

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