Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 25 - April 30
Listening to: Every Breath You Take
Thought for the day: There's nothing like playing dress up with your best friend.

At approximately 11:30 a.m. Monday morning Christian called me. She had decided she wanted to go to the prom. The deadline to buy tickets was 12:30 p.m (prom is May 7). So, I jumped in my car and drove to her school and bought her a ticket. Prom was less than 2 weeks away and she had no dress. I knew from experience this was NOT good. I knew the selection would be sad with it being so late. Last night we set out to find a dress. The only sizes left seemed to be 1 or 2. phhhhhhhht. Christian has……..well how do I say this delicately………….MASSIVE BOOBAGE!!! I blame all of the antibiotic-laced chicken I ate when I was preggos with her. Anyway, last night was an epic prom dress hunt FAIL. PANIC!!!

Today we went to a consignment shop. BINGO! The third dress she tried on not only worked but was EXACTLY what she had described to me she wanted………………… and her boobs fit!!! HAAAAAAAAAAALLELEUJAH!!! I felt like a little girl walking into the little consignment shop crammed FULL with used wedding, cocktail, and prom dresses. I wanted to try something on too, but didn’t.

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