Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 20– May 4
Listening to: Can’t Live
Thought for the day: Don't mind me. I have chips for brains.

Ah! Sweet mystery of life, at last I've found thee…………..
Have I told you how much I love Mexican restaurant tortilla chips? Of course I have. I love them so much I’m repeating a picture from February 23 because the Wednesday Night Dinner Club returned to La Hacienda where this picture was taken the first time. I have chips for brains tonight…………..and not from eating too many. Despite my deep, undying love for chips………..A miracle happened tonight. I DID NOT EAT ONE SINGLE CHIP. NOT ONE CRUMB. I didn’t even lick the salt off of one until it was soggy. I started a low carb diet on Sunday and have been doing so well that I couldn’t hijack my progress. DANG it was difficult. Will I last on this diet? Probably not, but I'm trying.

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