Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 18 – May 6
Listening to: Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto 1 - B Flat Minor (doughnut eating music)
Thought for the day: Dieting is a Cheaterous Thang

You know how in the cartoons when two characters are stranded somewhere without food, one character always sees the other character as a giant ham or roasted chicken? If you had been stranded on a deserted island with me this week, I would have imagined you as a giant pack of chocolate doughnut gems. As I mentioned before, I’m on a short-term diet. I must say the low carb approach is the easiest approach to dieting I’ve ever attempted, but occasionally this week I have fantasized about chocolate doughnut gems…………………. nothing else……………….no tootsie rolls, no chocolate kisses, not even peanut butter……………..just chocolate doughnut gems. This particular diet has a cheat day built into it. My cheat day is tomorrow. Guess what I am eating?

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