Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 28 - April 27
Listening to: Where You Lead
Thought for the day: It’s always good when the sun is present at sunset.

Squirrel is to dog as bad weather is to Kris. I have been so distracted today. There are two things that afflict me with severe adult attention deficit disorder: snow and tornadoes (there were 25 tornado warnings at one point today - SQUIRREL!!!!). The cherry on the ADD pie? I am a royal wedding watcher, so right now I am an eye for detail disaster.

Today was NOT the day to be distracted and leave my umbrella in the car when I got to work, but I did. Thankfully, a coworker in shining armor came to my rescue. I got to walk down the aisle to the work exit gate dry (featured photo). I felt like royalty.

Thanks Russ!

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