Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 122 - Jan. 31
Listening to: TV
Thought for today: Praying for a former coworker injured severely today.

Would the real European car decals please stand up! Here is a list of European car decal designations.

I see these decals frequently. Some are legit and some are not. In Europe they have been required by law since the 1960s to identify the person’s country of origin. In America they’ve become more of a means of bragging about vacations, club memberships, and marathon mileage. I was a bit perplexed when I saw UP. I wanted to know what UP truly represented. In my quest, I only found University Park and Upper Peninsula. Who visits these places? Maybe it’s an “insert your own word” before the UP sticker; shut up, man up, grow up, throw up. Of course this is ODYSSEY UP. Hey, despite my belief that Heaven and Hell are not directional, some believe they are………….God is UP. Maybe this person took a van load to Heaven for a visit. That would indeed be an odyssey!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 125 - Jan 28
Listening to: I Ain’t Missing You
Thought for the day: “Try to be like the turtle -- at ease in your own shell” ~ Bill Copeland

My health was back, the sun was out, and the snow was gone. FINALLY, I got to walk at lunch again. As is the norm, a coworker had kindly left me a gift along my lunch-time walking path to see what I’d have to say about it!

I found these two lovers in a compromising position along the banks of the Old Hickory Rivera. To prevent corporate incrimination of my beloved coworkers, I posed the turtles in a more acceptable manner for their photo shoot. No turtle porn here folks! After the turtle separation, I started to worry. Am I going to be cursed for causing turtle interruptus? I posed this very question to those suspected of turtle tomfoolery. They didn’t hear my question. All they heard was, “I moved the turtles.” Chaos ensued. Several chimed in, “YOU MOVED THEM?!??!?! Did you put them back?” I said, “No I DID NOT put them back, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CURSE?” They still didn’t hear me. Several started mirthly mumbling, “KB, I can’t believe you moved the turtles.” Judging by the look on the male turtle’s face, he wasn’t happy with me either. I bet when I go back Monday they’ll have resumed their turtle tango.

It is rare that I go a week without some kind of hilarity ensuing from my favorite coworkers. Thank God they’re in my life.
Day 126 - Jan 27
Listening to: Spill the Wine
Thought for the day: Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. ~Erma Bombeck

I had to spend some time in a surgeon’s office today………….don’t worry, it was nothing big and I’m not having surgery. While I was waiting, I noticed the doctor's chief residency certification for Vanderbilt Medical Center hanging on the wall. He was appointed chief resident for his specialty in the 80s. That is a long time to be operating on bodies. I started wondering what it would be like to be smart enough to chop up people and fix them. After 20 years of doing it, is it as easy for him as, say, making a sandwich? I can’t even make a decent sandwich after 20 years of experience. Good thing I am not a doctor.

BTW........I am wondering if I'm the only one who has an urge to push those weird buttons (green switch in photo) on the walls in doctor's offices but never do.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 127 - Jan 26
Listening to: Old Fashioned Love Song
Thought for the day: Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.
~John Lennon

Lately the Wednesday night dinner group forays have been somewhat unique. So when the word went out tonight that the choice was Ruby Tuesday’s, the person making the choice apologized for not being “adventuresome.” We will forgive her THIS time! Seriously, the food was excellent, priced right, and they have one of the best salad bars going (you’re saying duhh….. I’m sure). AND THOSE CROUTONS……….. I would be happy if someone just put a horse’s feed bag over my face filled with their homemade croutons. Tonight, the croutons were FaaaRESH. I started to only put croutons on my plate, but decided crouton gluttony was inappropriate.

Despite the normalcy of the dinner choice, my drink choice was quite adventuresome. I had a pear and lavender martini. I was a bit of a pansy today and let the weight of life wilt me, but this bizarre concoction eased me a bit………….ahem………..must have been the lavender. I don’t think I will ever order it again, but don’t regret ordering it. I lived a little.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

128 - Jan 25
Listening to: Stardust
Thought for the day: Where does the white go when the snow melts?

Today I bring to you one of my views from Cubicle Caverns. I call my beloved office Cubicle Caverns because it is a cubicle shoved in a small space with no windows and the temperature is a constant 60 degrees. Occasionally I can hear the echoes of my coworker’s northern accent pinging off of the walls in cave-like fashion. Lately, I feel like my entire world has turned into Cubicle Caverns. I have no recollection of when I saw the sun last and felt warm. Tonight, we expect more snow.

Most of the pictures on my wall are over 5 years old. I’m not sure why I don’t update them. Heck, there is one of Sabrina and me that is 25 years old (pssst – Sab you made the 365 again – hee hee). The only new picture on display is the one of the fireplace. I put the fireplace in view because I believe if I keep working hard and keep saving my money that some day I can have one installed or move to a house with a fireplace. A girl has got to keep those dreams alive! Note to self: Wednesday - hang up a picture of "the" man and a few cruise ships.
Day 129 - Jan 24
Listening to: Wink and a Smile
Thought for the day: Sailed through day 1 of trying to improve my health. I’m hungry.

A dear friend of mine posted on her Facebook today that she had found her diary from high school. Knowing this friend, her diary is filled with eloquent words and fluid intelligence. Her discovery made me think about my own pubescent diary. I decided to read a bit of it tonight. The first entry was February 1, 1980. I was in the 7th grade.

The funniest part of the diary is the bevy of boys that were the recipient of my silent crushing: Rene, Bryan, Brian, Glenn, Jon, John, Brad, Doug, Barney, David, Bill, and Gap Guy. I had boy ADD in a serious way and seemingly changed likes/dislikes every hour. My discussion about each crush was always accompanied by an in-depth elaboration about the current girlfriend, if he had one, and how I was better suited for him than her. My vocabulary was wanting and I ill-advisedly called a few of the girlfriends sluts when I couldn’t think of anything more inventively negative to say.

My diary prose is anything but Jane Austen-esque. Reading the diary had made me realize what a miracle it is that I have a degree in Journalism……………and that I’m a nicer person now. For both, I’m grateful.
Day 130 - Jan 23
Listening to: Anything You Want
Thought for the Day: I typed “quotes about Tootsie Roll” on Google. Instead of cute anecdotes about my beloved candy, I was given several financial quote queries. So guess what you get for my thought of the day? Tootsie Roll Industries closed down at 28.49 on Friday.

There are four people in my life that routinely call me Krissy. One of them is celebrating a birthday today. I wanted to post a picture of her from back in the day, but my scanner is broken. I will never forget walking into my ten year class reunion and hearing this sweet voice say, “yaaay, it’s Krissy!” I knew immediately who it was. Today is Laura Lifferth Gage’s birthday. I have known her since the fourth grade and she is very dear and special to me. Happy birthday Laura!

Instead of a picture of Laura, you have to look at me. You get to see me reporting my Tootsie Roll progress to my mom, one of the other four people that call me Krissy. It has been a month since I received the beautiful jar the size of my head filled with Tootsie Rolls. Please note: I have not been the only one to raid the jar!
Day 132 - Jan 21
Listening to: Cecilia
Thought for the Day: A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise. ~A.A. Milne

It’s heeeeeyooourrr (here)! This “get hot” box contains my new workout regime. It was sitting on my porch today with this side of the box facing my approach to the porch. I wonder what the postman thought was in the box. YOU KNOW HE THOUGHT SOMETHING. Obviously it made me laugh.

I’m not the same 7-year old girl who thought I could have Farrah Fawcett hair just by using a hairdryer that came out of box that featured Farrah’s feathers on its side. I know this workout is not going to make me “hot.” The box the workout company sent to me should have said, “Get Your Two Pack Abs” on the side. My intent with adding a workout to my usual walking routine is merely to tone up a bit. If I “get hot” along the way it will be an added bonus. I won’t be sharing any before pictures, so you don’t have to worry.

Day 133 - Jan 20
Listening to: Crazy (Patsy not Brit Brit)
Thought for the day: “The reason birds can fly and we can't is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings” ~ James Matthew Barrie

I started to post a picture of me catching snowflakes in my mouth, but after viewing the actual picture some of you (that will go unnamed) probably would have asked if I was auditioning for an XXX movie. So instead, to protect you from a Cardinal Sin, I give you the Cardinal. I love watching birds in winter. My neighbor’s backyard was filled with the cacophony of birds mooching off of their bird feeder this afternoon. Would birds survive without bird feeders?

There are 14 verses in the Bible that use the word “bird” and 25 that use the word “birds.” I have already used my favorite bird Bible verse back on day 355, but I am going to use it again because it answers the question above and it’s applicable to so many things in life.

Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 134 - Jan 19
Listening to: Beyond the Sea
Thought for the Day: Trying to figure out why I like 40s music so much.

Wednesday Night Dinner Group – Germantown Café

Hey ya’ll it is Restaurant Week in Nashville! You still have a few days to take advantage of this restaurantabulous form of trying new eateries. Most restaurants have a 3 course meal for $20.11. My Wednesday night group ventured back to an old haunt tonight because, well, it’s just good. We chose Germantown Café off of the list.

After 48 hours of hugging the toilet as if it was Leonard DiCaprio in the drowning scene in Titanic, I was filled with trepidation about eating anything tonight. This meal was my first in 2 days. I ordered the plum pork. I chose wisely. I will say my appetite was wanting and had it been operating at normal capacity I might have licked the sauce off of the plate at the end with zero regard for manners. The pork in this dish melts in your mouth and the plum sauce is just …………just…………siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh………..good.

My body is in a bit of shock, but the only discomfort I feel is from overeating. Hallelujah stomach virus BE GONE!
Day 135 - Jan 18
Listening to: 6:00 news
Thought for the Day: Shouting EUROPE at the toilet is no vacation.

Like a bacteria infested planet orbiting around around the sun, my life has orbited around this bottle today I have been SICK………….uggh. I have no words of wisdom on how to deal with a stomach bug. All I know is a troop of bacteria took up residence in my body last night and kicked my ass. Throwing up-type illnesses always give me renewed sympathies for anyone undergoing chemotherapy.
Day 137 - Jan 16
Listening to: You’ve Got a Friend (sweet baby James – can’t stop listening to him)
Thought for the Day: Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall… yall……

This message popped up along my merry way today: Time to Aspire to Be More. Is it a sign? I have no idea what the “more” would be should I choose to obey the sign and “aspire.” I did for the first time in my life swallow some infomercial bait this morning and order a DVD workout series. I doubt the “aspire” sign is about achieving better health, however. Oddly enough the Bible verse about trusting the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5) has smacked me around not once, not twice, but FIVE times today. Another sign? Really at this point all I’ve got is to trust that God will reveal to me what the “more” is that needs my aspiration. Until then, I’m going to sit on my couch and wait for my DVD workout series.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 139 – 1/14/11
Listening to: Don’t Disturb this Groove
Thought for the day: Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.

Stop looking at the sunset. We have serious business to discuss. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, the headless snowman is on the loose. On top of it all, he isn’t pure as snow and looks more like a colossal dessert. I hear he eats wind chimes and cat poop. The neighborhood’s biggest fear is that once the mercury rises to new heights that he will turn into the dreaded snowman zombie and graduate to eating Dominoes pizza delivery boys.

In all seriousness. every time I have walked past this two balled man of snow this week on my walks with the fab lab I have thought, “mmm…hmmm…unfinished business.” His lack of a head is not the act of vandalism. He’s been like this from day 1. From personal business to not so personal business, I have the unfinished business GOIN’ ON!!!! This scene speaks to me. Some day, in a galaxy far, far away I will finish something………………… and it will be good.

I wonder who invented the 3 -balled snowman anyway.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 141 – 1/12/11
Listening to: You Got the Music in You
Thought for the day: If I don’t see the sun soon, my brain may mutiny.

Wednesday Night Dinner Club
MAFIAoZA’s….you’re gonna love it, or else….

Our table chowed down a little bit of spaghetti, pizza, pasta, and chicken parmesan tonight. Me? I made a mistake. I didn’t stick to my “order spaghetti when in an Italian restaurant” routine. I had City House’s pizza on my mind thinking MAFIAoZA’s pizza might be as good. It’s not. HOWEVER, I will say for the price MAFIAoZA’s pizza is very, very good. The crust had a very sweet taste to it which appealed to my 200 Tootsie Rolls a day appetite. One thing that I thought was odd about MAFIAoZA’s in comparison to other Italian restaurants is there was no foreplay bread. Maybe I’m just spoiled, but Italian restaurants should have foreplay bread.

The best part about tonight is that when I got in my car to leave I had to take a minute to remember geographically where I was. I decided this is a true sign I was totally immersed in the company of my friends and the good food. It was 2 hours well spent.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 143 – Jan 10
Listening to: These Eyes
Thought for the day: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.”

The Snowmen and Snowomen of Middle Tennessee

I saw A LOT of snowmen and snowomen today coming home from work and on Facebook. You guys were B-U-S-Y little snow bunnies. I had to feature a snowmmary (summary) of everyone’s creations. I have giggled out loud (GOL) over the choices of materials used to form the face. The material used to make eyes has been the most inventive. From drink cups (college kids - go figure) to rocks to baseballs, I saw it all.

The largest photo is my neighbor’s snowman. I thought the strawberry pastries were a creative way to make eyes. If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the snowman with the strawberry pastry eyes is my snowmate.

Many of the snowmen that I saw were smoking cigars/cigarettes. Since when did snowmen start smoking?!?!?!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 144 – Jan 8
Listening to: To Be Real
Thought for the day: Thanks Easter Bunny (brock brock)!

Easter has arrived at Kroger!

Photo 1 – left: The Easter bunny has been busy!!! He’s gone corporate. He’s working his chocolate choc-o-chickens overtime! My guess is that he has been sucked into the commercialization successes of pre-Halloween Christmases past. Despite it all, this earl appearance of Easter made me smile inside. I love Reese’s eggs, but I REALLY love Cadbury eggs. American choc-o-chickens make the Reese’s eggs, while British chic-o-chickens make the Cadbury eggs. Just thought you’d like to know!

Photo 2 – middle: I breezed past the display in photo 1 with monster-esque discipline. None of those eggs were jumping in my cart! NO SIREEEE!!!! So guess what? After I emptied my cart, I noticed this lone egg sitting on the checkout counter all by itself. Someone had abandoned it. I couldn’t leave it alone.

Photo 3 – right: I decided I would reassert some of that discipline from earlier in the day and only eat half of the egg tonight. I was worried when I went to cut the egg. I remembered the Cadbury eggs being really runny back in the day. Lo and behold, they aren’t runny! At this point, my discipline ditched me. I ate the whole egg. I didn’t even wait five minutes. It was good.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 145 Jan 7
Listening to: Can’t Buy Me Love
Thought for the day: It just takes a little poo to make a big shoe stink.

This picture is proof that even extreme beauty exists on the ugliest of days. Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to get a picture of the sky without power lines? I could apply this thought to my life, but that’s for another day.

Day 149 Jan 3
Listening to: I Will Survive (Cake style)
Thought for the day: WARNING! If the topic of farting offends you…..STOP NOW!

I love a good cause and a display of support. I have to admit, however, that I giggled a little when I saw the back of this truck (photo on the bottom). These people have supportitis! When I took the picture, my intent was to try to find out what all of these awareness ribbons represent. I mean………..I need to be aware. I found more than I bargained for in my search (top photo). A Trolinger (my family name) must have invented the farting awareness ribbon. The topic of farting, the action of farting, and anything related to farting has caused great laughter for my branch of the Trolinger family. Great laughter equals great healing.

So here’s what I found.

Pink (breast cancer)
Black (Amish, accidents, anti-terrorism, and in this case POW-MIA)
Red (Aids, and in this case Support our Troops)
Turquoise (Addiction Recovery)
Purple (Animal Abuse, Alzheimer’s Disease, Anti Violence)
Gold (Childhood Cancer)
Camouflage (this one in particular USMC)
Peace (Peace)

That’s about all I could find. There are hundreds of cause awareness ribbons available.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 148 Jan 4
Listening to: Hold the Line
Thought for the day: I think more people probably say, “God let me win the lottery” than “Our Father who art in Heaven….”

Now that the trees have shed their clothes, I have really been noticing their naked beauty. I will be sharing a few trees that I have noticed in my 365 over the next week or so.

This particular tree (it is one tree) stood out to me because of its opposing sides. One side of its branches reaches towards the sky. The other side frowns down toward the ground. It’s a yin/yang tree, a happy/sad tree, a comedy/drama tree, a democrat/republican tree. It’s a life tree in actuality. Life is duality. All humans have dualities going on in some way or another. Despite the opposing sides, the tree thrives through the seasonal cycle.

I bought a lottery ticket today and the minute I walked out the store door with the ticket I started the questioning. No, I didn’t ask myself what I’d do if I won. I asked myself, “Do you really want to win?” $300+ million is a ridiculous amount of money. Talk about your dualities! I think I buy into the fantasy more than the reality when I participate in the lottery. Whether I win or I don’t win, for richer or for poorer, I will continue to live through my own seasonal cycle.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 151 Jan. 1
Listening to: Blue Tango
Thought for the day: MMXI makes 2011 look important.

This New Year’s Eve will be one I won’t forget. The friendship was invaluable, food was good, music was beautiful, laughter was plentiful, and downtown Nashville was in TOTAL PARTY CHAOS.

First up after a wonderful dinner, we ventured into the heart of downtown Nashville to attend a concert by Nashville Symphony to commemorate the reopening of the Schermerhorn Symphony Center since the May floods. The energy was so positive in the building. I wish I could have bottled it and brought it home with me.

After the concert, we brought in the New Year inside the symphony hall. The environment was reserved and very respectful. That was not the case outside.

Fortunately for us, we had earned the loyalty of a cab driver earlier in the night. He was at our beck and call (shout out to Music City Cab). When our cab driver came to pick us up at the symphony hall, we had to pass through an almost riotous crowd of people looking for cabs and/or a ride. At one point, a crowd of cabless peeps mobbed our cab begging for a ride. It was like something out of a horror film. NASHVILLE IS CAB DELINQUENT!!!! On top of it all, the number of people trying to get a ride with the Sheriff’s Department Sober Ride program was unbelievable. Thankfully people try to do what is right by not drinking and driving, but boy oh boy, I have some sympathy for the volunteers who worked the program last night. Despite it all, we made it back to the hotel with a tale to tell.

Day 152 Dec. 31
Listening to: Auld Lang Syne
Thought for the day: Celebrations and friends are the perfect marriage.

Oooooooooops. I missed an entry last night so I have to play catch up and post two pictures today. Both pictures have to do with New Year’s Eve! I have a horrible cold, have been immobile today, and know posting a picture of a coughed-up lung isn’t a good idea.

My friends and I began our New Year’s Eve night at a restaurant called Tayst. LOOK AT ALL OF THESE COOKBOOKS!!!!! If you don’t read my 365, basically, I theorize that a restaurant that displays cookbooks slings out some good food. Tayst once again proved my theory true. The food was the double E: excellent and exotic.

I lost my foi gras virginity at Tayst! One of my friends ordered Foi Gras and he let me try it. I tried Foi Gras for the first time (I didn’t order it…………. FOI GAROOOSSS IS MORE LIKE IT…………or FOI SPAM. I guess I am still a food redneck. Rick gave me some Julia Childs schmack for Christmas, so I guess I need to woman up!

The best thing about Tayst that probably goes unrecognized by many of its patrons is that it was the first and is the only certified green restaurant in Nashville. Accomplishing this certification is no easy feat and is worthy of great praise. Check it out !