Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 141 – 1/12/11
Listening to: You Got the Music in You
Thought for the day: If I don’t see the sun soon, my brain may mutiny.

Wednesday Night Dinner Club
MAFIAoZA’s….you’re gonna love it, or else….

Our table chowed down a little bit of spaghetti, pizza, pasta, and chicken parmesan tonight. Me? I made a mistake. I didn’t stick to my “order spaghetti when in an Italian restaurant” routine. I had City House’s pizza on my mind thinking MAFIAoZA’s pizza might be as good. It’s not. HOWEVER, I will say for the price MAFIAoZA’s pizza is very, very good. The crust had a very sweet taste to it which appealed to my 200 Tootsie Rolls a day appetite. One thing that I thought was odd about MAFIAoZA’s in comparison to other Italian restaurants is there was no foreplay bread. Maybe I’m just spoiled, but Italian restaurants should have foreplay bread.

The best part about tonight is that when I got in my car to leave I had to take a minute to remember geographically where I was. I decided this is a true sign I was totally immersed in the company of my friends and the good food. It was 2 hours well spent.

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