Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 149 Jan 3
Listening to: I Will Survive (Cake style)
Thought for the day: WARNING! If the topic of farting offends you…..STOP NOW!

I love a good cause and a display of support. I have to admit, however, that I giggled a little when I saw the back of this truck (photo on the bottom). These people have supportitis! When I took the picture, my intent was to try to find out what all of these awareness ribbons represent. I mean………..I need to be aware. I found more than I bargained for in my search (top photo). A Trolinger (my family name) must have invented the farting awareness ribbon. The topic of farting, the action of farting, and anything related to farting has caused great laughter for my branch of the Trolinger family. Great laughter equals great healing.

So here’s what I found.

Pink (breast cancer)
Black (Amish, accidents, anti-terrorism, and in this case POW-MIA)
Red (Aids, and in this case Support our Troops)
Turquoise (Addiction Recovery)
Purple (Animal Abuse, Alzheimer’s Disease, Anti Violence)
Gold (Childhood Cancer)
Camouflage (this one in particular USMC)
Peace (Peace)

That’s about all I could find. There are hundreds of cause awareness ribbons available.

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