Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 129 - Jan 24
Listening to: Wink and a Smile
Thought for the day: Sailed through day 1 of trying to improve my health. I’m hungry.

A dear friend of mine posted on her Facebook today that she had found her diary from high school. Knowing this friend, her diary is filled with eloquent words and fluid intelligence. Her discovery made me think about my own pubescent diary. I decided to read a bit of it tonight. The first entry was February 1, 1980. I was in the 7th grade.

The funniest part of the diary is the bevy of boys that were the recipient of my silent crushing: Rene, Bryan, Brian, Glenn, Jon, John, Brad, Doug, Barney, David, Bill, and Gap Guy. I had boy ADD in a serious way and seemingly changed likes/dislikes every hour. My discussion about each crush was always accompanied by an in-depth elaboration about the current girlfriend, if he had one, and how I was better suited for him than her. My vocabulary was wanting and I ill-advisedly called a few of the girlfriends sluts when I couldn’t think of anything more inventively negative to say.

My diary prose is anything but Jane Austen-esque. Reading the diary had made me realize what a miracle it is that I have a degree in Journalism……………and that I’m a nicer person now. For both, I’m grateful.

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