Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 143 – Jan 10
Listening to: These Eyes
Thought for the day: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.”

The Snowmen and Snowomen of Middle Tennessee

I saw A LOT of snowmen and snowomen today coming home from work and on Facebook. You guys were B-U-S-Y little snow bunnies. I had to feature a snowmmary (summary) of everyone’s creations. I have giggled out loud (GOL) over the choices of materials used to form the face. The material used to make eyes has been the most inventive. From drink cups (college kids - go figure) to rocks to baseballs, I saw it all.

The largest photo is my neighbor’s snowman. I thought the strawberry pastries were a creative way to make eyes. If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the snowman with the strawberry pastry eyes is my snowmate.

Many of the snowmen that I saw were smoking cigars/cigarettes. Since when did snowmen start smoking?!?!?!

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