Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 122 - Jan. 31
Listening to: TV
Thought for today: Praying for a former coworker injured severely today.

Would the real European car decals please stand up! Here is a list of European car decal designations.

I see these decals frequently. Some are legit and some are not. In Europe they have been required by law since the 1960s to identify the person’s country of origin. In America they’ve become more of a means of bragging about vacations, club memberships, and marathon mileage. I was a bit perplexed when I saw UP. I wanted to know what UP truly represented. In my quest, I only found University Park and Upper Peninsula. Who visits these places? Maybe it’s an “insert your own word” before the UP sticker; shut up, man up, grow up, throw up. Of course this is ODYSSEY UP. Hey, despite my belief that Heaven and Hell are not directional, some believe they are………….God is UP. Maybe this person took a van load to Heaven for a visit. That would indeed be an odyssey!

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