Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 134 - Jan 19
Listening to: Beyond the Sea
Thought for the Day: Trying to figure out why I like 40s music so much.

Wednesday Night Dinner Group – Germantown Café

Hey ya’ll it is Restaurant Week in Nashville! You still have a few days to take advantage of this restaurantabulous form of trying new eateries. Most restaurants have a 3 course meal for $20.11. My Wednesday night group ventured back to an old haunt tonight because, well, it’s just good. We chose Germantown Café off of the list.

After 48 hours of hugging the toilet as if it was Leonard DiCaprio in the drowning scene in Titanic, I was filled with trepidation about eating anything tonight. This meal was my first in 2 days. I ordered the plum pork. I chose wisely. I will say my appetite was wanting and had it been operating at normal capacity I might have licked the sauce off of the plate at the end with zero regard for manners. The pork in this dish melts in your mouth and the plum sauce is just …………just…………siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh………..good.

My body is in a bit of shock, but the only discomfort I feel is from overeating. Hallelujah stomach virus BE GONE!

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