Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 137 - Jan 16
Listening to: You’ve Got a Friend (sweet baby James – can’t stop listening to him)
Thought for the Day: Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall… yall……

This message popped up along my merry way today: Time to Aspire to Be More. Is it a sign? I have no idea what the “more” would be should I choose to obey the sign and “aspire.” I did for the first time in my life swallow some infomercial bait this morning and order a DVD workout series. I doubt the “aspire” sign is about achieving better health, however. Oddly enough the Bible verse about trusting the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5) has smacked me around not once, not twice, but FIVE times today. Another sign? Really at this point all I’ve got is to trust that God will reveal to me what the “more” is that needs my aspiration. Until then, I’m going to sit on my couch and wait for my DVD workout series.

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