Tuesday, January 25, 2011

128 - Jan 25
Listening to: Stardust
Thought for the day: Where does the white go when the snow melts?

Today I bring to you one of my views from Cubicle Caverns. I call my beloved office Cubicle Caverns because it is a cubicle shoved in a small space with no windows and the temperature is a constant 60 degrees. Occasionally I can hear the echoes of my coworker’s northern accent pinging off of the walls in cave-like fashion. Lately, I feel like my entire world has turned into Cubicle Caverns. I have no recollection of when I saw the sun last and felt warm. Tonight, we expect more snow.

Most of the pictures on my wall are over 5 years old. I’m not sure why I don’t update them. Heck, there is one of Sabrina and me that is 25 years old (pssst – Sab you made the 365 again – hee hee). The only new picture on display is the one of the fireplace. I put the fireplace in view because I believe if I keep working hard and keep saving my money that some day I can have one installed or move to a house with a fireplace. A girl has got to keep those dreams alive! Note to self: Wednesday - hang up a picture of "the" man and a few cruise ships.

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