Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 144 – Jan 8
Listening to: To Be Real
Thought for the day: Thanks Easter Bunny (brock brock)!

Easter has arrived at Kroger!

Photo 1 – left: The Easter bunny has been busy!!! He’s gone corporate. He’s working his chocolate choc-o-chickens overtime! My guess is that he has been sucked into the commercialization successes of pre-Halloween Christmases past. Despite it all, this earl appearance of Easter made me smile inside. I love Reese’s eggs, but I REALLY love Cadbury eggs. American choc-o-chickens make the Reese’s eggs, while British chic-o-chickens make the Cadbury eggs. Just thought you’d like to know!

Photo 2 – middle: I breezed past the display in photo 1 with monster-esque discipline. None of those eggs were jumping in my cart! NO SIREEEE!!!! So guess what? After I emptied my cart, I noticed this lone egg sitting on the checkout counter all by itself. Someone had abandoned it. I couldn’t leave it alone.

Photo 3 – right: I decided I would reassert some of that discipline from earlier in the day and only eat half of the egg tonight. I was worried when I went to cut the egg. I remembered the Cadbury eggs being really runny back in the day. Lo and behold, they aren’t runny! At this point, my discipline ditched me. I ate the whole egg. I didn’t even wait five minutes. It was good.

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