Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 152 Dec. 31
Listening to: Auld Lang Syne
Thought for the day: Celebrations and friends are the perfect marriage.

Oooooooooops. I missed an entry last night so I have to play catch up and post two pictures today. Both pictures have to do with New Year’s Eve! I have a horrible cold, have been immobile today, and know posting a picture of a coughed-up lung isn’t a good idea.

My friends and I began our New Year’s Eve night at a restaurant called Tayst. LOOK AT ALL OF THESE COOKBOOKS!!!!! If you don’t read my 365, basically, I theorize that a restaurant that displays cookbooks slings out some good food. Tayst once again proved my theory true. The food was the double E: excellent and exotic.

I lost my foi gras virginity at Tayst! One of my friends ordered Foi Gras and he let me try it. I tried Foi Gras for the first time (I didn’t order it…………. FOI GAROOOSSS IS MORE LIKE IT…………or FOI SPAM. I guess I am still a food redneck. Rick gave me some Julia Childs schmack for Christmas, so I guess I need to woman up!

The best thing about Tayst that probably goes unrecognized by many of its patrons is that it was the first and is the only certified green restaurant in Nashville. Accomplishing this certification is no easy feat and is worthy of great praise. Check it out !

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