Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 132 - Jan 21
Listening to: Cecilia
Thought for the Day: A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise. ~A.A. Milne

It’s heeeeeyooourrr (here)! This “get hot” box contains my new workout regime. It was sitting on my porch today with this side of the box facing my approach to the porch. I wonder what the postman thought was in the box. YOU KNOW HE THOUGHT SOMETHING. Obviously it made me laugh.

I’m not the same 7-year old girl who thought I could have Farrah Fawcett hair just by using a hairdryer that came out of box that featured Farrah’s feathers on its side. I know this workout is not going to make me “hot.” The box the workout company sent to me should have said, “Get Your Two Pack Abs” on the side. My intent with adding a workout to my usual walking routine is merely to tone up a bit. If I “get hot” along the way it will be an added bonus. I won’t be sharing any before pictures, so you don’t have to worry.

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