Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 125 - Jan 28
Listening to: I Ain’t Missing You
Thought for the day: “Try to be like the turtle -- at ease in your own shell” ~ Bill Copeland

My health was back, the sun was out, and the snow was gone. FINALLY, I got to walk at lunch again. As is the norm, a coworker had kindly left me a gift along my lunch-time walking path to see what I’d have to say about it!

I found these two lovers in a compromising position along the banks of the Old Hickory Rivera. To prevent corporate incrimination of my beloved coworkers, I posed the turtles in a more acceptable manner for their photo shoot. No turtle porn here folks! After the turtle separation, I started to worry. Am I going to be cursed for causing turtle interruptus? I posed this very question to those suspected of turtle tomfoolery. They didn’t hear my question. All they heard was, “I moved the turtles.” Chaos ensued. Several chimed in, “YOU MOVED THEM?!??!?! Did you put them back?” I said, “No I DID NOT put them back, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CURSE?” They still didn’t hear me. Several started mirthly mumbling, “KB, I can’t believe you moved the turtles.” Judging by the look on the male turtle’s face, he wasn’t happy with me either. I bet when I go back Monday they’ll have resumed their turtle tango.

It is rare that I go a week without some kind of hilarity ensuing from my favorite coworkers. Thank God they’re in my life.

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