Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 121 - Feb. 1
Listening to: Papa Was a Rolling Stone (you know you want to sing it).
Thought for today: Don't make me come down there. -God

Today my coworkers and I gathered at the Old Hickory Country club for our annual safety luncheon. Working safely is a huge deal where I work. In addition to monthly meetings to we also have an annual meeting/lunch to review the year's safety and environmental performance. Was anyone hurt? Did our machinery puke on the environment? We get all of the details and more.

Back in the 90s, the company adopted the belief that all injuries are preventable. As employees we’re expected to believe the same thing. The guest speaker asked us today who in the room believed this corporate-losophy. I did not raise my hand (I wasn’t alone). For me to say all injuries are preventable is to fly in the face of God. Trust me; many managers have tried to convince me otherwise. Thankfully they’ve treaded lightly in doing so. I wouldn’t want any of them to be struck by lightening.

Does this mean I’m not going to wear my seat belt, run with scissors, or put the forks in the dishwasher with the prongs facing up? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I do believe in striving for no injuries..............but I also believe God always has the final say.

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