Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 101 - Feb 21
Listening to: Respect
Thought for the day: A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world. ~Lois Wyse

Tonight I attended a fundraiser to kick off Darren Jernigan's campaign for re-election as Nashville's District 11 Councilman. In case you are wondering, I endorse Darren 510%. He is a dear friend and one of my heroes.

The perk of attending tonight’s fundraiser was getting to see people I adore that I don’t see very often. Let me introduce you to Greg Comer and Dinah Turner. They both flat out make me smile at life………….always have, always will. I have known Greg since high school and Dinah is the mother of one of Christian’s long-time friends (one of my faves).

Dinah came up to me tonight and said, “Kris, I bought you a bag of Tootsie Rolls, but ate them all before I could give them to you.” Obviously we are Tootsie Roll fiends at heart, but Dinah had no idea when she confessed to me how many times I have bought candy for someone and eaten it before it reached its intended destination. Dinah is a kindred spirit. I suspected it before, but now I know without a doubt!

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