Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 96- Feb 27
Listening to: the Oscars (too boring to actually watch)
Thought for the day: History never looks like history when you are living through it. ~John W. Gardner

You are looking at an accounting ledger turned cookbook that I found in a piece of furniture I inherited. For some reason I decided to look at it for the first time today. It belonged to the family of my step great grandmother. My grandmother’s mother died when she was six. She was raised by my step great grandmother who was as much a part of my blood as any blood relative could be.

Originally, the ledger was used to document weekly purchases. This page is from 1901 and contains everything from a hog for $10.70 to a pair of shoes for $1.25. At some point in time it morphed into a make-shift cookbook when someone started pasting newspaper clippings of recipes on top of the original ledger pages……………to conserve paper no doubt.

My grandmother obviously had value for it since she kept it. I’m considering going through and cooking all of the recipes ala Julia/Julie. The recipes, however, are a bit foreign compared to what I am use to seeing.

At the time of its origination, I imagine the owner had no idea that something so mundane/ordinary would mean something to someone 110 years later.

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