Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 99- Feb 23
Listening to: You Can’t Hurry Love
Thought for the day: A woman by the name of Rebecca Webb Carranza invented the tortilla chip in the 1940s. I love her.

Wednesday Night Dinner Group – La Hacienda

I have never eaten at a bad Mexican restaurant. Between the free chips and swimming pool-sized margaritas who remembers the food? I didn’t dive into a mongo margarita tonight, but I did behave like a chip pirate…..argggh.

After 2 years as an esteemed member of the Wednesday night dinner group, they finally revealed to me how they evolved. I have finally earned the right to be in possession of such knowledge. A Mexican restaurant gave birth to the group …………… a galaxy far, far away. It wasn’t just any Mexican restaurant either. It was El Chico………….which happened to be the site of my first experience with Mexican food (yeah I know EC is not necessarily legit Mexican food, but play along like it is). El Chico was also the site of many of my outlandish high school ………ahem……..incidents. I love it when worlds collide.

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