Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 97- Feb 25
Listening to: In My Life
Thought for the day: And almost half of American oil consumption is for motor vehicles. ~Tim Holden

Gas has gone up 20 cents in two days all because some crazy dictator who reminds me of a singing raisin is being a total lunatic ASS. This is not a political rant. With the exception of the truly devout green people, we ALL carry the burden for our dependence on foreign oil. When is it going to stop? I could sit here and rant about big oil, greed, the Republican Party, or President O, but until I do something to curb my own use of gas………….I can’t say a peep……………and neither can you. @#$**% It is so FRUSTRATING. We put men on the moon. Why can’t we wean ourselves off of liquid gold? It is the most addictive of drugs and we don’t even recognize it. It has been a topic of conversation since the day I was born. I truly wonder if I will see society switch to an alternative energy source in my lifetime. There should be an uprising with the same zeal as the Egyptians, Libyans, and Wisconsians over this matter!

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