Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 119 - Feb. 3
Listening to: I'm Alright
Thought for the day: Is it a coincidence that Bill Murray starred alongside a rodent in two different films?

This was the scene that greeted me this morning as I departed McGavock High School. You are looking at a plethora of mole/gopher/critter escape hatches (little brown piles of dirt). Immediately the scene reminded me of the movie Caddy Shack. It looks like God has been playing Whack-A-Mole, or a mole/gopher has been plotting an evil takeover of the nearby golf course. The whole thing made me wonder; what is the difference between a mole and a gopher? It turns out Gophers are bigger, more hug able, and do cute dances when thwarting the plans of Bill Murray.

Join me in paying homage to the Caddyshack gopher! It’ll make you smile. Promise.

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