Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 105 - Feb. 17 (really looking forward to day 100)
Listening to: Get Off of My Cloud
Thought for the day: If you don't have a smile, I'll give you one of mine.

Hello Taco Bell drive through, or is it drive-thru! I’ll have the cheap 5-layer burrito with ………….meat? ummm……….no…………….um…………..SH
ELLFISH! hee hee. Check the warning sign in the lower right-hand corner. Oddly enough, when I took this photo, I was going for the grammar-school magnetic letters on the wall that say smile, plan, enjoy, energy, devotion. It’s obvious why I’d want to write about those words right? Well, low and behold when I went to crop the picture I started giggling about the shellfish warning…………….AT TACO BELL. I also think it is cute that the drive through worker tried to avoid my lens. I did ask permission………….a request that was followed by looks of “is the 5-layer burrito woman sane?”

OK, back to the initial objective. It is my wish that each of you will go forth this weekend and smile, plan (something fun), enjoy, (have) energy, and (experience) devotion.


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