Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 112 - Feb 10
Listening to: You’ll be in My Heart
Thought for the day: "For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Dude! Where’s the road? What happens when the path you’ve traveled for 20 years suddenly morphs into an endless sheet of white glittery nothingness and becomes unrecognizable? It happened to me this morning. You are looking at the view out of my front windshield on my drive into work this morning. Oddly, I was totally relaxed. Can’t see the road? No problem. No white knuckle of death steering wheel grip for me! I had an unwavering belief that I would arrive at my destination.............and I did. I drove by faith and not by site!

Like my drive this morning, there are figurative moments in my life when I am moving forward and cannot see the path that’s in front of me. Quite often I panic. Next time I plan to channel some of my morning drive-time bravado.

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