Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 102 - Feb 20
Listening to: Tainted Love
Thought for the day: I am never going to get divorced, and that's that.
~Diana Princess Of Wales

This is what my daughter's life looks like every Sunday (and my son's life too up until a year ago). It’s one of the costs of a divorced 50/50 custody situation. Her entire life is shoved into a trunk each Sunday and moved from Dad’s to Mom’s or Mom’s to Dad’s. The move consists of one giant suitcase and what feels like 50 billion smaller bags and totes.

Both kids HATE the Sunday parental shuffle. My daughter has been so unhappy with it that she has started disappearing on Sundays; she goes to another friend’s house and doesn't touch a single suitcase. You might say, “Why don’t you have one set of clothes for her at your house and one set at her Dad’s.” It is not that simple.

I’ve worried that living out of a suitcase would negatively impact them. My son, who moved into an apartment last year, seems to be thriving now that he has a permanent place to park his stuff.

I do hope my children know I am sorry they were forced to grow up like nomads.

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