Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 113 - Feb 9
Listening to: Let’s Dance
Thought for the day: I used to be Snow White, but I drifted. ~Mae West

Due to inclement weather, the Wednesday Night Dinner Club was canceled………….boo hoo hoo…..WAAAAAAAAAHHH! So..........Since life served up snow: I made snow cream. Yippy Skippy! Yep! Tonight's dessert, harvested from my back yard, is representin' in today’s 365.

It appears that I have a snow bucket list that I’m slowly working my way through this winter. Snowman? Check! Snow angel? Check! Snow writing? Check! Snow cream? Check! Snowtini/Snowgaritas? Pending. Sledding? Pending. Basically, we need one more snow for me to fulfill the list. I also need a sledding buddy. I can’t go sledding alone. Who is going to take the picture?

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