Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 108 - Feb. 14
Listening to: All You Need is Love (bah…..bah….bah duh…bah)
Thought for the day: A kiss for you, & you, & you……….as yes, even you!

This Valentines Day I gave chocolate kisses to the officers of the KB Club, aka the maintenance guys that work with me. My philanthropic behavior was not without incident. I ran out of the symbolic kisses before getting to everyone. Demands for real kisses followed. Luckily, I had a bigger stash of kisses in my office. After the prospect of receiving real KB kisses faded, a few of them started accusing me of giving KB club officer #1 more kisses than officer #2. It wasn’t pretty. Best of all, however, was the shock that I was actually giving away chocolate………….. as if hell would freeze over if I, KB, was selfless with chocolate.

The best part about Valentines Day????? CHEAP CANDY ON FEBRUARY 15! WOO HOO!.

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