Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 117 - Feb. 5
Listening to: It Takes 2
Thought for the day: If I take any more vitamin C, I’ll sweat orange juice.

I am campaigning to be the new spokes person for Vicks. Yes, I am sick again and am on my third bottle since November of this nasty liquid commercially known as “Nyquil.” I have been sicker this year than I have been in the past 5 years combined. Ugggh.

This afternoon I noticed I was down to the last drop of the green stuff which meant a trip to the drugstore. To my dismay, the drugstore did not have any more green-flavor. I say “green-flavor” because the green has no flavor name. There is a reason for that. The flavor is unidentifiable. I call it the “green shiver-inducing slime of death.” In my mind, only the green works, but when you only have cherry flavor to choose from you take what you can get (cough cough).

I had to combine the leftover green with the cherry to create a full dose. Normally, red and green make brown. In this case red and green made dark-red shiver-inducing slime of death.

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