Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 96- Feb 26
Listening to: Hold the Line
Thought for the day: "Sometimes me think what is love, and then me think love is what last cookie is for. Me give up the last cookie for you. ~Cookie Monster

Jonesin for Girl Scout cookies and can’t find them? There’s an Ap for that…..

I have no need for an Ap. I knew exactly where the girls in green would be today. I thought I was going to Kroger late enough to avoid them…………NOPEY. I’ve actually done well and have not committed GS cookie gluttony this year, well, not yet. The same cannot be said for my dear friend whose name starts with R and ends with K. He has plowed through 9 boxes of Samoas and I don’t think he’s done. NINE BOXES! He IS the champ. We may need to do an intervention before Girl Scout cookie season ends.

I’ve nom-nom’d two boxes………and I DID share. Girl Scout cookies aren’t as good as I remember them growing up and if they shrink much more we might need to call in Willy Wonka to find a way to save them.

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