Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 114 - Feb. 8
Listening to: Swinging on a Star
Thought for the day: You can't wrap love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a hug.

There is no shortage of scarves in my house. My mom is a knitting M-A-C-H-I-N-E and every year for Christmas she makes me something different. This year the theme was scarves. My scarf cup overflows.

In addition to my mom’s gifts of knitted neck wear, my son also gave me a scarf. When I opened his gift, he said with a prideful voice, “it is cashmere.” I was thinking to myself, “Where the hell did he get the money for cashmere?” Then I saw the tag. It said, “cashmere-feel – 100% Acrylic.” I started to giggle and it made the moment that much better.

It wasn’t until today, however, that I fully realized why I like wearing these scarves. Yes they are warm, but wearing one makes me feel like I’m getting a hug from my mom or my son!

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