Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 95 - Feb. 28
Listening to: Beethoven Symphony 7 (doesn’t really go with the topic at hand, but hey….)
Thought for the day: "Ye cannot fully understand the relations of choice and Time till you are beyond both." ~C.S. Lewis

A THREE SEATER! I haven’t seen a three-seater since I visited Shofner’s chapel; a country church built in 1808 and located in no-man’s land between Tullahoma and Shelbyville. There was a three-seater outhouse adjacent to the back of the church back when I attended the church as a child. I was fascinated by it. It was the first outhouse I ever saw.

I will spare you my potty humor. I am curious to know, however, if anyone really drunk has tried to make use of one of these porcelain thrones.

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