Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 29 - April 26
Listening to: Solsbury Hill
Thought for the day: If ovarian cancer is found (and treated) before the cancer has spread outside the ovary, the 5-year survival rate is 93%. GET CHECKED!

This is my official female peep PSA for my 365 project. Don't put off your annual girly exam!!! If you're as lucky as me, you will have a view like the one I had today during my exam. Yes, you are looking at men on the ceiling in my OBGYN's exam room. Do I really need to type more? I'm trying to be discreet for my gentleman readers. I've been going to the same OBGYN for the past 15 years. When I first started going, the men smiling down at me while I heard "scoot to the edge" were JKF jr. and George Clooney. Times have changed. I can only identify one of the men amongst today's ceiling fantasy men, Keith Urban. How can you not laugh at this? It calms the nerves for sure.

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