Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 40 - April 16
Listening to: Baker Street
Thought for the day: I have a question. You probably get this a lot, but this isn't the real Caesar's Palace, is it? ~Alan in “The Hangover”

I feel a bit of pressure because one of my best friends returned to Facebook today after a lengthy Facebook sabbatical and commented on her wall that she missed my daily thoughts. Where would I be without friends?

It’s a free HBO weekend (insert me singing the Hallelujah! Chorus here)!!! All I’ve been doing today is filling my head with movies, movies, and more movies. My coffee table looks like a Diet Coke graveyard with the cans serving as headstones. To celebrate such a joyous occasion, I made stove-popped popcorn tonight with loads of butter. I could have cooked microwave popcorn, but microwave popcorn is more in the class of reality TV and/or American Idol. It’s not the best. Raise your hand if you’re a stove cooked popcorn fan!

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