Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 30 - April 25
Listening to: Owner of Lonely Heart
Thought for the day: “The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.” ~Leslie Poles Hartley

I walk up and down this sidewalk close to 30 times a week. The photo is not circa 2011 as you can see from the date underneath it. It is a street that I live near as it appeared in 1925. If you live in the Village, this photo was taken looking east down 14th Street beside Rachel’s Walk. The building on the man’s right was one of the YMCAs. Houses now stand its place.

I think of this picture often when I reach the section of the sidewalk where the man appears. I wonder where he was going and why he appeared to be dressed in a suit. I wish I could rewind this sidewalk like an old-school videotape and replay the movement and watch lives moving by. If a photo was taken of me on the sidewalk this morning and viewed 76 years from now, the viewer would be pondering why the bed headed woman wearing the mismatched clothing looked so trailer-trash chic.

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