Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 48 – April 7
Listening to: Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough
Thought for the day: Woop Woop!

I am wine illiterate and a bona-fide wine retard. I consider it a form of irresponsibility in that I haven’t taken time to educate myself. Nevertheless, I like wine. I confess that I typically buy wine by the label and/or unusual name.

How could I resist a bottle of wine named Woop Woop………and a Shiraz at that (I like the Shirazzes forshirazzizzle). Woop Woop costs $12.99. Approximately $3.49 of the $12.99 is payback for me getting a laugh off of the name.

In my mind, wine is like art. It is subjective. If you put a $300 price tag on it and label it as “excellent,” people will flock to it boasting of bouquets and clarity……………..or will they? I’m starting a “my kids have left the nest” list……right here………right now. Let it be known that the first item on the list is to educate myself on wine.

Okay, I’ll see ya’ll later. I’m going to go have me a little Woop Woop.

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