Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 46 – April 9
Listening to: Born to Be Wild
Thought for the day: Build a biker bar and they will come.

Get your motor runnin’………..HEAD OUT ON THE HIGHWAY………. A tsunami of motorcycles rumbled through my hood this afternoon impeding my progress to go somewhere. I had to wait at least 5 minutes for them to pass. There must have been over one hundred of them. I immediately tried to sing 100 Motorcycles on the Road to the tune of 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, but it didn’t quite work. I reckon I’ve never had so much chrome and leather pass in front of me at once. They were no doubt headed to the bar precariously perched on the side of the road across from my place of employment……………a place long-time DuPont employees refer to as “The Polecat.” Back in the day, when the Old Hickory DuPont site employed thousands of workers, The Polecat was THE place to go get an adult beverage when one got off work at 8 a.m. My one and only contact with The Polecat occurred when one of my coworkers took the bicycles from my backyard and parked them in The Polecat parking lot to make it look like my children and I were there!

The Polecat eventually closed. It has since been reopened, revived, and rejuvenated by the grace and roar of hog engines. It is now a bona-fide biker bar. Go figure.

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