Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 43 - April 13
Listening to: Molly Malone
Thought for the day: If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good! ~Dr. Seuss

I is Kris, Kris I is…………If I was afflicted with a case of Dr. Seuss-itis, I would construct a story about Scotch Eggs and Corned Beef to describe tonight’s Wednesday Dinner Group experience. Before tonight, if you had told me I would be noshing on Scotch Eggs and Corned Beef at McNamara's Irish Pub, I would have told you I do not like either food here or there, in a house or with a mouse, in a box with a fox ………you get the idea. Alas, my creativity is a bit knackered tonight, so you can consider yourself lucky that I won't KriSeuss you!

I experienced a first tonight. We shared an order of Caledonia Scotch Eggs as an appetizer. I had no idea what they were, but just the sound of Caledonia Scotch Eggs sounded hurlistic to me. Heaven smiled down on me………..they were fried. You know my rule on fried stuff right? If it’s fried, Kris likes it.

For my main meal I ordered the corned beef bites. I typically don’t like corned beef. That wasn’t the case tonight. The corned beef bites were to die for. I am going to be hard pressed to order anything else when we return to McNamara’s next time………….. and we will return. For the record, the waiter said the fish and chips were the best item on the menu. Several of my friends concur.

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