Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 46 – April 10
Listening to: Wind chimes singing in the wind………..somewhere in the background The Masters
Thought for the day: “Snakes….I hate snakes.” ~Indiana Jones

If Pearl (my black Lab) had her own Fab Lab company, she would produce perfumes called Squirrel, Scent of a Bitch, and Eau Du Dead Animal. Today, she discovered and dabbed on a new scent. We’ll call it Snake or Snake Oil for dogs. Fortunately for me, this dead snake had not been departed from this world long enough to become odiously odoriferous. This baby snake was actually our second snake sighting for the day. God was smiling on me in that Pearl Girl didn’t see the first big, fat, black, nasty SNAKE slither off into a massive tangled tree vine universe. I wasn’t fast enough to get a picture of the big mutha. I was too busy sucking in 50 pints of fear-fueled air.

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