Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 51 - April 3 (adjusted countdown - will repair damage later)
Listening to: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
Thought for the Day: The trees that have it in their pent-up buds
To darken nature and be summer woods -~Robert Frost

There are some things in nature that make me stop, pause, and say, “Wow that really is designed well.” The maple leaf seed would be one of those things. Today was really windy and these things were on the fly with intense determination to populate the world with maple tree shade. Like many people, I called the seeds “helicopters” when I was young and spent hours picking them up and watching them float to the ground. I’m pretty sure I probably tried to concoct an imaginary culinary dish out of them as well. Maple Mac & Seed maybe? No flower or plant was safe from Chef Krissy.

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