Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 50 – April 4
Listening to: Every Breath I take
Thought for the day: “I shall make electricity so cheap that only the rich can afford to burn candles.” ~Thomas Alva Edison quote

This was my view last night. Why do older people always say, “You lose your lights?” instead of “you lose electricity?” I was without power for 12 hours yesterday. I've never been without power for that long. There are two things that stood out in my mind. First, the quiet that descended upon my house with no juice flowing to the outlets was palpable. I could hear myself thinking and I was loud. It's a wonder I didn't go insane listening to myself without any voltaic interference. The second thing I noticed doesn't really fall under the "notice" category and should be characterized as more of an appreciation. Toilets don't require electricity to flush. I've never given the electric-less toilet much thought. I wonder how many other simplistic modern marvels I pay no heed to because they are drowned out by white noise.

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