Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 49 – April 5
Listening to: When Dove’s Cry
Thought for the day: Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them? ~Rose F. Kennedy

Driving home last night after the storms was hectic. I couldn't take my normal path home because drunken utility polls were swaying on the side of the road. They'd consumed too many windtinis I suspect. Trees were down everywhere. My thought immediately went to the Ospreys that call the DuPont property home. There are two pairs whose nests sit exposed to the elements. The nests are massive yet fragile. I've written about the birds before in the 365. I call them Barney, Betty, Fred, and Wilma. Their nests have been swept away in the past, so I was filled with anxiety as I began my walk today. What would I find? Thankfully, both nests and all four birds appeared unharmed. Barney was busy reinforcing his nest.

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