Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 62 - March 31
Listening to: Everlasting Love
Thought for the day: Do you realize my children won't know what a video store is? ~Christian Brummett

It's Thursday…..the day before Friiiiday………….. Back when Christian and Wesley were tykey tots, Thursdays were known and Happy Meal Night. We would go to a fast food restaurant (usually McDonald's), tear up their playground, eat some junk, and take the miniature toy with us. Afterward, we would go to either Blockbuster or Hollywood Video and rent movies to watch over the weekend. It was a big deal. The kids were always excited and I was soaked with relief for not having to cook or entertain for a night. Interestingly enough, Christian said to me last night, "do you realize my children won't know what a video store is?" hmmmmmm.......

We obviously don't do Happy Meal night anymore, but I thought about it tonight while Christian and I were in Subway. I originally was going to use a photo of Christian when she was 3 with a Happy Meal box on her head, but I value my life. As I was waiting to pay I looked out the window and saw these birds munching on what looks like a smashed McDonald’s bag. Who knew birds had Happy Meal Night too!!!

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