Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 154 - Dec. 29
Listening to: humming Gloom Despair
Thought for today: If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

I took my Christmas tree down today and undecked the halls. Prior to doing so I pondered the possibility that it may be bad luck to take the tree down before New Years Day, 12 days………. whatever. It is definitely considered bad luck to leave it up beyond either of these days. One theory says if you have not taken the tree down by January 6 (Epiphany), the tree must remain in the house all year. ARRRRGGGHHHH………...there are so many schools of thought attached to when the tree should be removed from the house. I decided to take my chances and reminded myself I am a Christian who shouldn't subscribe to superstition.............but stillllllll.

When I dropped the tree off at the recycle location, I was smacked in the face with sadness. I felt like I was leaving behind a friend. The little tree that had made my house look so warm and inviting over the last month suddenly looked cold and out of place despite the fact it was surrounded by “friends.” I suspect I was suffering the onset of post-Christmas blues.

The fact that I had even the slightest chunk of motivation to clean up Christmas garb in a timely matter is directly due to my step father. I mention this because today is his birthday. My DNA consists 100% of slob stuff. My step father managed to reconfigure my DNA while I was a teenager insisting I make my bed every day, clean my bathroom once a week, and always fold my laundry. I’m grateful to him for teaching me these responsibilities. Happy Birthday Ron!

I will let you know how my luck runs this year……………

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