Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 163 - Dec. 20
Listening to: Here Comes Santy Claus
Thought for today: It's a major award!

My life runneth over with leg lamps. Tonight my Wednesday night dinner group got together to exchange gifts and to play a round of Dirty Santa…………yes, on Monday. Last year, I acquired a smaller version of the lamp in a game of Dirty Santa. I fought hard for it and drew blood from my opponents to get it. This year the first gift I chose was the leg lamp night light which caused a lot of laughter because of what went down last year. Surprisingly, no one took it from me. Dirty Santa was peaceful this year.

So, with the snap of a few sparks, a quick whiff of ozone, the night light is blazing forth in unparalleled glory. The problem is that I don’t seem to have an outlet that allows the leg to be plugged in correctly. The leg plugs in upside down. Eeeek. It looks even ………um……….scarier.

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